By Alonzo |

an excerpt to revisit, emphasize and remember the objectives stated in forming (constituting) the "United States of America".

" Order to:
- form a more perfect Union, [ a single entity, not excluding other entities, but not involving them either ]
- establish Justice, [ Webster's 1828 Dictionary - Justice: The virtue which consists in giving to every one what is his due; Impartiality; Equity ]
- insure domestic Tranquility, [ Quiet, Calm in these United States, no mandate for foreign intervention ]
- provide for the common defence, [ common; not discriminatory in any way, but the defense of a nation against it's enemies ]
- promote the general Welfare, [ "general" welfare doesn't extend to payments to any individual or any entities ] and
- secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity [ when did we come to believe that abortion is not contrary to the Constitution?]..."